community directory
Search our community database of businesses based right here at Bok to learn more about their services.
Abby Schwartz Associates
Alex Wasserman
AllDunn Studio
Amazulu Colletions
Alloy Atelier
Amy Novinski
Anthony DeMelas
Ars Nova Workshop
Art Sphere
Astrobus Media
Atelier Jacobi
Aubrey Levinthal
Aubrié Costello
Bevy of Objects
Black Cat Design House
BlackStar Projects
Blair Brothers Music
Bottle Underground
Bok Bar
The Bowery Presents
Braxton Guitars & Big Sound LLC
Cindy Lozito

Corinna Cowles
The Chicken
Claire Whitehurst
Colin M. Lenton Photography
Cory J. Popp
The Craftship
David and Desiree Guinn
Days Away Creative | Photography
Deacon Hospitality Group
The Deli Collective
Design Manifest
DG Print Lab
Done & Dusted
Dragonfly Audio Post
Echo Metals
Elissa DeFranceschi
Elizabeth Bergeland
Emily Stroud
Evening Star Gallery
Farmers Market Pros
Ficks Music
Firth & Wilson Transport Cycles
Forever Valentine Tattoo
Four Ten Media
Franklin & Whitman
Fringe Salon
G. Kellum
Garces Foundation
Girls Inc.
Gina Triplett
GNOME Architects LLC
Greenly Plant Co.
Haiama Beauty Co
Hilo Fiber Bar
Holly Simple Studio
Immortal Portal
Jacob Zelenkofske
Jeff Rubio
Kara Howland Design
Kelechi's Novelty Cartoons
KG Strong
Kinfolk Bride
Klip Collective
Lace in the Moon
Laos in the House
The Law Bridal
LCDennin Studio
Lea Colie Wight
Lightbox Film Center
Lily Xie
Lobo Mau
Lynn Snyder
Machine Shop Boulangerie
Madlab Entertainment
Mallory Weston
Mangrove Media
Maria Eife
Mae Krasniewicz
Matt Stanley Photography
Melanie Bilenker
Mendelssohn Choir of Philadelphia
Merryweather Films
Mighty Writers
Miles Table
Minimal Chaos
Molly Egan
Mural Arts
Natalie Conway
Noa Gillis
My ND Integrative Health
Myriad Magnetic
Nazeer Sabree Studios
Night Shift Studio
Ohm Family Chiropractic
Parcel Island
People's Budget Office
Pet Riso
Philly inMovement
Philatuner Piano Works
Phillips Black
Possum Creek Games
Project P.L.A.Y.
Queens Vintage Guitars
Rebecca Asch
Redshift Sports
Remark Glass
Richard Grubb & Associates
Rider Ceramics
Roantree Weaves Ann Roantree
ruin studios
Ryan Putnam
Sabbatical Beauty
Sam Oberter
Scipio's Commercial Cleaning
Scout LTD
Second Daughter Baking Co.
Shira Friedman
Smith & Diction
Solidarity Stained Glass
stac labs
Steve Boyle Photography
Stevie Chris Photography
Stover Ceramics
Streets Dept
Studio 1935
Studio Bladel
Studio Incamminati
Surry Hills Stones
Sweetwater Portraits
Symone Salib Studio
t.kahres jewelry
The Tailored Collective
Texture Florals
Theodore Harris
The Tiny Jeweler
Thom Weaver Design
Toner Architects
Tuft the World
Two Persons
Ugly Art
Uh-Huh Art Objects
Valerio D'Ospina Visual Art
Wag Days
Wax Poetic Clothing
WC Pottery
Weaver House
The Welcoming Center
Wild Chairy
Wyss Wellness Center
You Wraps
YUNS Hardware